Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jones decides to allow pay-raise vote this week

Not to continue on this same track, but pay raises will come up for a vote in the state senate:
Senate President Emil Jones has had a change of heart and will allow an up-or-down vote on legislative pay raises this week.

Jones, a Chicago Democrat, told Sen. Susan Garrett, D-Lake Forest, Friday that he will give the chamber a chance to accept or reject the raises when senators meet today and Wednesday in special sessions called by Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

“He made a commitment to call the pay raise for an up-or-down vote,” Garrett said Monday. “I take him at his word on that.”

Jones spokeswoman Cindy Davidsmeyer confirmed the discussion.

The decision represents a change for Jones, who didn’t want the Senate to have to deal with the pay-raise issue until after the Nov. 4 election. Davidsmeyer said she didn’t know why Jones had a change of heart.
We'll have to see about that.

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