Monday, September 8, 2008

Cook real estate value doubles in a decade

The value of real estate in Cook County more than doubled in a decade, from 1996 to 2006, spurred by strong growth in Chicago, the Civic Federation of Chicago says in a new report.

The taxpayer watchdog group estimates privately owned property values in the city represented essentially half of Cook County’s total valuation of $666.2 billion in tax year 2006, the latest period for which data is available.

During the decade in question, the value of real estate in Chicago tripled — up 195% — to $330 billion, while suburban property values slightly more than doubled, to $336 billion.

In 1996, when the county total was $271.2 billion, the city’s share was 41%.

During 2006, Cook County property values rose 14.6% over the previous year, double the year-earlier 7.3% pace.

The figures are not adjusted for inflation and predate recent reverses caused by the subprime mortgage meltdown. The report details nine classifications of property, including residential, commercial, industrial and vacant.

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