The one thing that sealed the end of the program was the last assignment at Robeson High.I emailed IBC34 for a time frame he says this was back in 2005. This isn't much different that what I experienced in high school although this was a few years before that. I've surmised that some of these students know nothing else. This is probably how their parents have always talked to them.
The profanity was horrible and it was coming from the staff directed towards the students.
These actions were reported but never acted on.
I came to the conclusion that the faculty was responsible for the negative attitude that existed in that particular school.
It was embarrassing to listen the staff blurt out profanity at the students and the students had become preconditioned to accept it as normal behavior.
When reassigned to Robeson for another program, I decided to move on and that was the end of After School Matters Tech Tours
Working with After School Matters Showed me that Its the adults as much as it is the Youth that need instruction in how to behave in public.
Bad teachers, and staff only serve to break our children down to their level.
I suggest that all parents take time to visit their child's school and observe the staff interaction with the students.
It could be an eye opening experience.
That's not to excuse the teachers, they shouldn't talk to these students like that anyway. Parents shouldn't either but what can we do about that. IBC34 might be right though in a way you get back what you dish out.
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