You may register to vote in the 6th Ward Office, 406 E. 75th St., until Tues., October 7, 2008. If you have moved or changed your name, you must reregistration by the same date.I would like to add that if you need a Absentee Voter Application you can always download one at the Chicago Board of Elections. Print it off, fill it out, and then turn it in (especially via The US Postal Service). Especially important for those who have gone away to school.
Absentee Voter’s Applications are available at the 6th Ward Office until October 30th. You can pick-up an application or if you are not able to come to the office, we can mail it to you. Early voting is encouraged for anyone not eligible
to receive an Absent Voter’s Ballot.
Early voting is offered at various locations from Oct. 13-30. A government issued photo ID is required. The 6th Ward site is Whitney Young Library, 7901 King Dr.
A list of other locations is at the Ward Office.
A call for help to register voters in an email sent by the Chairman of the 6th Ward Young Democrats, Kari Steele:
The countdown is on! The deadline to register voters for this upcoming election is Oct. 7th. I’m trying to give it all I can for this final homestretch, and I could really use your help. The 6th Ward Young Democrats, Ald. Lyle's office, and other 6th ward community organizations, will be having various voter registration drives all month! WE need volunteers to help register voters. This e-mail is for all of you that have been cheering Obama on, but have been too busy to donate your time. If you can give us a couple of hours one day this month that could possibly have a huge impact on the outcome of this election. You don’t even have to be a Deputy Registrar to help us register voters! WE just need YOU and your positive “Obama” attitude! There are so many people in our community that still haven’t registered to vote. Please help us reach out to our unregistered citizens and let’s convince them to exercise their right to vote. Do it for BARACK!There was a call for help in registering voters in this month's issue of the Aldermanic newsletter...
If you would like to volunteer and donate your time please call the 6th Ward Office at 773-846-7006 (ask for Keith), OR simply respond to my e-mail. We are focusing on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays; but just let us know your availability and we’ll work with you.
We are seeking able bodied, civic minded, dependable volunteers to help register voters for the upcoming November 4th Election. There are thousands of people registering to vote for the first time and thousands more who are not registered. Call 773.994.5747 to register and/or volunteer.A lot of activity with a native Illinoisian running at the top of the ticket for President.
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