A business-backed group that Chicago school officials say has provided “seed capital” to spark reform here is about to launch a drive to raise up to $30 million more for local schools, its biggest such effort to date.Instead of organizing protests up in Wrigleyville perhaps what Rev. Meeks (and also a State Senator) should do is get with a group like this to improve schools in his part of the city. It's a start and a smart move, yes?
At a reception Tuesday evening, the Chicago Public Education Fund, headed by business leaders including private-equity magnate Bruce V. Rauner and Hyatt Hotel scion Penny S. Pritzker, is to outline plans to continue its focus on attracting better teachers and principals to Chicago.
But the group also is shifting to a wider and potentially more controversial model, aimed at reconstituting some failing schools and remaking the way educators get paid.
“To my knowledge, we’re the only local (schools) group that offers to go out of business every four years,” said fund founding President and CEO Janet Knupp, noting that each of its fundraising cycles last four years. “It’s not just about giving money away. It’s about investing in (continuing) improvements, and we have to prove we’re achieving that.”
Think about it at least.
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