Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Con-con ballot question goes to court today

Daily Herald:
The conflict involves how the question is explained on ballots across the state. The state constitution requires that every 20 years voters be asked if they want to convene a constitutional convention to consider changing the document that governs Illinois.

This happens to be one of those years. Twenty years ago, voters overwhelmingly rejected the idea with 75 percent voting "no."

State officials chose to include that factoid in the ballot question and now the Chicago Bar Association questions its legality while pro-rewrite groups are crying foul, claiming the wording stacks the deck against them.

A hearing on the issue is scheduled for Wednesday in Cook County court.

The lawsuit targets Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, whose office was recently required to mail out constitutional convention ballot guides to households at a cost of more than $1 million.

White's spokesman, however, said there's no authority for White to change the ballot wording, which was approved by state lawmakers and sent to him. White then sent it on to the Illinois State Board of Elections, which is also named in the lawsuit.
Related stories here!

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