Firing the first shot in Washington in the fight over the appointment of Roland Burris to the U.S. Senate, Gov. Blagojevich's acting chief of staff hand-delivered Burris' nomination certificate to the Capitol this morning -- only to see it rejected by the secretary of the Senate.Over the weekend Roland Burris was rallying his forces over the weekend. He was at a church on the south side, JP Paulus said he was going to offer his comments on this article tonight.
Chief of staff Clayton Harris delivered the certificate around 8 a.m., eastern standard time, said Blagojevich spokesman Lucio Guerrero.
The secretary of the senate and two assistants acknowledged receipt of the document "but did not formally accept it" because it did not bear Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White's signature, Guerrero said.
White refused to sign the certificate last week, joining the chorus of politicians who say Blagojevich is not fit to fill the vacant seat because of his Dec. 9 arrest on corruption charges. The governor and Burris are hoping the Illinois Supreme Court will force White to sign the document.
Anyway some will see Burris' attempts to rally people to support his controversial appointment as race-baiting. Of course Burris isn't the only one engaging in that activity because some will point to Blagojevich using the race angle, indeed to me it seems like the same old game that he would play. Not necessarily the race game, but he sticks his nose in and then makes it hard for anyone to really reject his moves.
Of course we can also talk about Bobby Rush playing the angle that since Obama is now the President-elect there are no other blacks in the US Senate and comparing Senate majority leader Harry Reid to the likes of Gov. George Wallace of Alabama. Of course let's not forget that Rush and Reid are not only members of Congress, but they're both members of the same party. In light of what happened to the Governor who himself is a Democrat, all this talk seems divisive.
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