Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Toni Preckwinkle to run against Todd Stroger???

This is something to look forward to. Many aren't happy with Stroger's stewardship of Cook County government. I'm sure quite a few aren't happy with how he came to become County Board President. Either way 2010 might be somewhat exciting as hopefully we'll elect a County Board President, but also a new Governor as well.

Perhaps as time moves forward, there will be more material. Perhaps after the inauguration there will be more to say about Tony Preckwinkle.


  1. I think Stroger is not doing a bad job, just had some growing pains. As a black voter we need to keep him empowered or we lose everthing in the State. Preckwinkle is not the answer she has done nothing and she had Rezco as her finance man for years. If you need info on what Stroger has REALLY done...not what Claypool says I can send it to you for posting. we need fair reporting. Also I believe Lyle is a Stroger supporter

  2. My goodness, have you looked at your property tax statment or purchased anything in Cook County since Stroger's tax increase? I've never been so glad that I'm 20 minutes from the Indiana border. I don't know about you, but I need my hard-earned money.


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