Friday, February 20, 2009

Todd Stroger: The Beating Continues

Chicago News Bench reports that GOP Cook County Commissioner was able to beat back new tax increases and increased borrowing as originally proposed by  County Board President Todd Stroger. However. Tom Mannis says that...
That is very good news, but it's a bit like saying you're happy to learn that your neighbor will not increase the number of times that he beats up his wife per week. The beating continues at the same pace, he just won't increase the frequency. Todd Stroger continues to beat up the taxpayers. While we thank Tony and his allies for this "victory," we hope they will keep fighting until Todd Stroger stops beating his constituents.
Of course this is according to the Peraica campaign. Depending on what side of the fence you're on, the response might be either indifference, happiness, or perhaps disgust. Well at least we can say at this moment that Stroger will have some competition when his seat's up for election next year.

1 comment:

  1. I agree and here is another opinion on the County Board. Stroger doesnt submit individual items in the budget. Elected officials and department heads submit what they need or want. It is the budget directors job to put the massive document together so that the board can vote on it. Stroger DOES NOT have a vote. As far as reformers claiming a victory...over what? The pensions, and reinsurance are still not what now. As usual they don't have a plan just sound bites. I wonder when the State floats billions in bonds will the same outrage, be directed at Quinn.I don't think so. or the fact that Claypool when he was the chief of the Park Disctrict floated bonds for the very same reason, but when Stroger wants to do it..NOW its a problem. This being a south side blog you should add more of the factual itmes for people to decide unless that is your position. John Kass wrote a very good article about how race plays a role in the way media treats OUR politicians. All I ask is for fairness in the truth.


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