Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Burris headlines

Looks like Illinois' leaders have accepted that Burris isn't going anywhere anytime soon!

Gov. Quinn backs off special Senate election to force Burris' hand - Clout St

Quinn On Burris: 'I Think We Need To Move On' - WBBM-TV
In discussing the future of U.S. Sen. Roland Burris Monday morning, Gov. Pat Quinn said Burris clearly will not be resigning and, "I think we need to move on."

As CBS 2's Joanie Lum reports, Quinn met for about an hour with the elected officials from city, state and federal government, at the 37th Ward office, 5347 W. North Ave. The group says Quinn should not have called for Burris' resignation, and they say they hope to bring about unity in the Democratic Party.

"Burris' Senate seat is really bigger than Burris as far as race goes, because he's the only African-American Senator in the United States of America," said Ald. Walter Burnett (27th). "So this is a big deal to the African-American community."

"Our position is that he should stay in office, and we don't feel that the governor, or Senator Dick Durbin, has the wherewithal to throw him out of office," added Ald. Ed Smith (28h). "He represents this community."
Durbin says he'll work with Burris - AP
U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin sounds resigned to fellow Illinois Democrat Roland Burris remaining in the Senate for the next two years.

Durbin has called for Burris' resignation, but says he'll still work with the embattled senator. Durbin says Burris has a vote in the Senate like everyone else and it's an important vote.
Burris: I Will Continue To Serve You - Chicago Public Radio

BURRIS: Let me assure that I will continue to serve you with the fullest of my ability. I will serve you with honesty and integrity. That’s all I know and that’s what God gave me.
Guess what factor played into Burris’ seating? - Hot Air

Keeping Burris Does Not Help The Black Community - Mechanics

After Burris, a flood of contenders - The Swamp

A Line Forms to Succeed Burris - NY Times

In Illinois, Dems lining up for Burris’ seat - STLToday.com
Embattled U.S. Sen. Roland Burris, D-Ill., apparently believes he’ll be able to serve out his full term in the Senate and has even left the door open for keeping it in the 2010 election. But other Illinois Democrats are already acting as if he’s on his way out the door imminently.

State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, the 32-year-old FOO (Friend of Obama), today formally announced his exploratory committee for a U.S. Senate run, with some none-too-subtle references to his political mentor and basketball buddy. “Over the last few months, several of my strongest supporters and prominent party leaders have been encouraging me to consider running for the (Senate) seat that was held by my friend President Barack Obama,” Giannoulias says in his announcement.
Another in that category is U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., who has said she is considering a Senate run, and who told The Hill in a piece today that she would definitely plan to run in a special election if one is held this year. Meanwhile, Bill Daley, brother of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, has publicly hinted that he, too, is in the running.
Support Burris For Senate In 2010 - The Hotline

Burris Really Does Have Blago Syndrome - 11th Hour

Giannoulias forms ‘exploratory’ committee to run for Ill. Senate - STLToday.com
Alexi Giannoulias, the Illinois state treasurer, announced today he had formed an exploratory committee to run for Senate next year.

He’s got a website , he’s got a top priority (the economy of course) and he says working families are hungry for new leadership.
Giannoulias exploratory bid for Senate begins today - Marathon Pundit

Editorial: Schedule the election - Tribune

FOX News Special Report Discusses Roland Burris
BAIER: Illinois Senator Roland Burris. How much longer does he stick on? Does he stick on for the long haul?

KRAUTHAMMER: I think he stays because he is shameless.

But his son, the second, he is called Roland Burris II, is the one who got a job in the department of housing, I think after a foreclosure.

I love his name. Normally, you are called "Junior," like Arthur Schlesinger Jr. But he is the second. The "the" impresses me. It is the royal, the Plantagenet. Normally only a Richard III or a Louis XVI. But the Burris' can't wait. The second generation gets the royal treatment.

EASTON: Little did we know that Blagojevich had two gifts to give to the Burris family in return-we don't know if it's in return, but fundraising for the governor.

But I do think Burris continues to hang on. The Democrats are dying to get rid of him, but I do not know how the, quote, "persuade him" to step out.

BAIER: Fred, you said Illinois Senator Burris would be gone in a week. It's a week.

BARNES: It is a week. Look, there is really only one person who can get him to resign. And it is not Dick Durbin, the Senator, it is not the governor. It's Barack Obama, the president.

And Obama seems to want to have him, leave him there and not mess with the situation. After all, Burris is a Democrat.

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