Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Comment on service at Chatham Foods

I just approved this comment for publishing:
I purchased chicken nuggets from Chatham Foods on Sunday, March 1. When I went to prepare them today, March 3, they were moldy and to my surprise there were three price stickers on this package dating back to January 13th. Is this the quality of service we can expect from the new owners of Chatham Foods? This is appalling and unacceptable!
This was a comment to the post about Chatham Foods having new ownership.

I won't comment since I've never actually shopped there. I'm sure that there are many people who have shopped there you would like to opine on the service at Chatham Foods. I would welcome them in this post.

It doesn't matter if you've had a good experience or a bad experience. Please discuss any possible differences between the original and current owners. Were the Harris' better? Are the new owners better? Why or why not?

I will remind you that comments are moderated so I hope your responses are thought out and intelligent. Let's evaluate how the old neighborhood grocery store is doing right now!

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