Thursday, March 5, 2009

Peraica tweets while County Board meets

Another way a politician uses a social networking site:

Meet Cook County Commissioner "Tweetie."

That's the handle outspoken Republican Tony Peraica uses in posting his live play-by-play of County Board meetings on Twitter, the online micro-blog that's all the rage.

Last month, Peraica started posting short messages -- called "tweets" -- during board meetings about everything from contract votes and political bickering to his opinions and wisecracks in 140 characters or less.

With a few strokes of the keyboard, he's part legislator, part reporter and part talk-show host.

"I think it's important to keep the public informed about what's going on with the board as it happens," Peraica said. "This is a wonderful technology that enables us to keep in touch with 600 to 700 people who care about what happens at the meeting."

During Wednesday's County Board meeting, Peraica posted 15 tweets, including updates on major votes, mild self-promotion and a jab at Commissioner Mike Quigley, who won the 5th Congressional District Democratic primary the night before.

Peraica said his goal is giving his constituents more details about how their tax dollars are spent than they'll find in the media.

BTW, the Aldermen mentioned in her Aldermanic newsletter about being a member of Facebook...
There are a few pictures from that event in the newsletter and a few more on my Facebook page. My nephew created a Facebook page for me in November. Only after I returned from the Inauguration did I ever go on it and of course I made a few changes and threw up some pics.Someone asked me why I would have a Facebook presence and I said remember Barack Obama the candidate? He was on Facebook and how did that workout for him?
The ways our politicians seek to reach out to us, their constituents and their supporters.

You want to see a list of social networking sites look in the sidebar. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and even YouTube to name a few.

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