Friday, April 3, 2009

Found this thread

On a forum at

This thread was created back in July 2006 by a user mslibrarian moving to the city seeking advice on what neighborhood she can move into. A couple of comments on Chatham crossed my eye of course there are other comments worth noting especially on this issue of "white-flight" or even on the other neighborhoods of the South Side.
I am named after the place Marquette Park, its a historical area, fought over by the races, i would not move there..........and I own the words, Marquette Park.................

Everything in Chicago, esp on southside, is based on race, then economics,

even wealthy blacks live in expensive neighborhoods, that i am not allowed to move into,

Chatam is black, mostly brick bungalows excellent if your a cable guy like me, for the last twenty years chatam is famous for having a large population of African Americans, over the age of sixty, aka Miss Daisy Land,
crime is high, not violent,
Ashburn is ok, black middle class, most if not a gret deal of black chicago police, and black city workers, city workers and fire and cops are a separate race adn class of people, they have their own neighborhoods, Ashburn, Mt Greenwood, Beverley, Morgan Park, are city employees in some form
This is almost from the very start of the thread.
The Chatham area has been all the brink of becoming a top south side neighborhood for 20 years due to its proximity to Jackson Park, the lakefront and Metra Electric Line Train Service. It has been held down due to its proximity to poorer neighborhoods, but now that the south loop has become a world class neighborhood, other areas such as Bronzeville, South Shore, Oakland and Chatham are being bought up in droves by real estate speculators.
What advice would you give to someone who is new to the city and is looking to either buy a home or rent an apartment?

Another goodie some detailed information on Chatham!

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