Ald. Lyle is in this video featuring Pat Quinn signing a new gun bill into law right at Cole Park on Monday.
Mayor Richard Daley, Gov. Pat Quinn and a host of other Democratic politicians gathered Monday at a South Side park to boast of a new law mandating prison time for gun-toting thugs -- but ended up facing a barrage of questions about whether they are doing enough to combat crime.So the 2010 gubernatorial contest has reached the Chatham neighborhood. This time with Pat Quinn taking on the issue of crime. Bill Brady last fall was on the issue of jobs when he visited Chatham Market, the site of the proposed Chatham Wal-Mart.
The setting, Cole Park in the Chatham neighborhood, was chosen because Chicago police Officer Thomas Wortham IV recently was gunned down outside his parents' nearby home. The suspects are young men, including one who Daley said was recently paroled on the kind of gun charge targeted by the new law.
The Daley-backed law, signed by Quinn at the park, sets a minimum sentence of one year in prison for someone convicted of carrying a loaded handgun without a state firearm owner's identification card. Previously, probation was possible.
The event was planned in part to honor Wortham, but it took on even more significance after Sunday's fatal shooting of uniformed off-duty Officer Michael Bailey two miles away in another middle-class, 6th Ward neighborhood battling violence.
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