Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Uptown Update: Uptown Needs Jamie Oliver

Uptown Update: Uptown Needs Jamie Oliver:
From Ald. Cappleman's latest newsletter:
"Jamie Oliver is a world renowned chef whose restaurant, Fifteen, helps at-risk youth by training them in the culinary arts. The newly created "Uptown Needs Jamie Oliver" task force wants to attract Jamie Oliver, and his restaurant, Fifteen, to the Uptown neighborhood in Chicago. We need this restaurant to help us inspire youth, train them in the culinary arts while providing Uptown with a world-class restaurant that will attract people to our historical neighborhood."
An idea that should also come to our neighborhoods for our own at risks youths. Hopefully this could spark the development of other restaurants here!

1 comment:

  1. We do have this. Washburne Culinary at Kennedy King and The Parrot Cage and Sikia.

    They have some famous alums that include Jimmy Bannos, Executive Chef/Owner, Heaven on Seven Restaurants; John Meyer, Owner, B.J.’s Market and Bakery; Freddy Sanchez, Executive Chef/Partner, Adobo Grill Restaurants.

    We have to make them accountable to the community. This is one issue that must be raised when they announce the new president of Kennedy King College.


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