Worlee wrote a paragraph about the status of the Chatham 14 and this article answers a question I've had in mind for a while. Who is the new company coming in to manage that Chatham?
Day-to-day operations will now be handled by F and F Management, and F and F vice president John Scaletta said in the statement the firm “recognizes the importance” of the theater as a member of the community.Thanks to Worlee making contact we already know that Marcus Theaters - who operated ICE's three theaters until 2007 - would not be returning to operate the Chatham 14.
“[We] will continue working with local organizations that have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship with the Chatham Theater,” Scaletta said in the statement.
The theater employs about 30 people, and the Starks remain part-owners of the building.
Also Chinta Strausberg sent us a brief article, which outlines some of the issues and alerts us that there is a PR campaign continuing. Also the Englewood Film Festival continues at the Chatham 14 as well:
ICE THEATER REOPENS FRIDAYBy request from Chinta Strausberg, Ms. Alston's phone number has been removed.
Keeps Englewood Film Festival
By Chinta Strausberg
The ICE Theater, owned by Alisa and Donzell Starks, re-opened today, and the Englewood Film Festival is continuing at the 87th and the Dan Ryan Show, Michael Silver, a partner in that venture, confirmed Friday.
Silver told this reporter that the staff will remain the same and that he paid them for the week the theater was closed.
Asked about the firing of the black security firm, Silver said, “We have an African American security detail.” When asked if that company is white-owned, Silver said, “We had to change it because we changed management. That is regular procedure to hire a new security firm when new management comes in.”
He has hired Tracey Alston as his PR person who will represent the Chatham Theater. She does not represent the Starks.
What can we take from this? The Starks' remain the owners of this property, however, day-to-day management of this property now is under a management company. The partner of the Chatham 14 seems to be taking the lead on this facility. Also I'm glad that the 30 workers here are compensated for the week that this movie house has been closed.
Oh yeah back to the Sun-Times, more developments:
Venisha Johnson, general manager of the theater for the past 10 years, said in the statement that “plans are in the works to revamp the theater ... including digital projection with 3-D capabilities, new carpeting, seating upgrades and an enhanced menu.”It has been mentioned in a previous posting, the Chatham 14 expects to have a conversion to digital projection and other upgrades to the theater. I'm still a long way from considering this news an exciting time. Hopefully the past week will be the last time Chatham 14 is closed!
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