Friday, April 19, 2013

Retail Redlining: One of the Most Pervasive Forms of Racism Left in America?

Courtesy of The Atlantic. Sometimes I wonder if this is a conversation we should be having on this part of town. Just like apparently they're having in the south suburbs!

1 comment:

  1. Great article LJ. I agree with most of the article and would add that apathy is also an issue. I have been on a rampage since December contacting not only Alderman Sawyer and brookins but the corporate offices of the stores on the 87th street corridor. The level of customer service is at all time lows and we do not complain enough. This level of apathy is economically destructive as it jeopardizes future jobs for the youth of our community.

    What was amazing that managers were calling me the next day to resolve the issues. Using the phrase "I will take my dollars to Walmart" seemed to hit a nerve. I got patronizing answers from the managers but have seen some improvement but its going to take a lot more calls to get the improvement we need. If we can get these stores to improve it can lead to other desirable stores to come.

    Also, we have to push some standards even if means pushing an ordinance. Based on my visits to community meetings from the South to the North end of the ward it has come clear that we are going down a path of oversaturation. In the 70's Mcdonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken opened on every corner now most KFC's have closed(75th, 87th) and one Mcdonald's relocated(78th Cottage to 79th King). Now Subway and Dunkin Donut operators want to saturate the community. My recent visit to Park Manor Neighbors there were proposals for a stand alone at 71st Wabash and a interior for a remodeled Shell at 75th State. This doesn't include what the CTA has in mind for the remodeled stations.


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