Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year 2020

Usually I'd end the year with a round-up of stories political or neighborhood news just to show what happened during the course of the year in this case 2019. I let time fly on doing that this year and now this is just a post wishing you well in not only a new year and a new decade.

It's still hard to believe this blog is more than a decade old, however' I'm looking forward to the new adventures that we might see on this blog.

2019 brought a number of changes to our city and to the state, especially politically. 2020 is a pivotal year with a new census coming up, and that proved to be controversial once it was time to redraw the ward map. Indeed with Lori Lightfoot as mayor once we get census numbers in it's time to redraw the map yet again. However, we got time for that next year.

Meanwhile before you go party and bring in the new year we open up the floor. Perhaps there's something we failed to cover this year. Perhaps there's a story you want us to know about from the past year. Leave a comment for us or otherwise hit our social media handles.

Once again Happy New Year! 

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Also note that this blog is NOT associated with any public or political officials including Alderman Roderick T. Sawyer!