Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Tired of the fireworks?

 It seems to be something of a yearly tradition the fireworks started not long before the Fourth of July. I recall last year as the city was undergoing some major riots in downtown Chicago the fireworks were going off that evening near the end of May 2020. 

Recently at Concerned Citizens of Chatham, Worlee Glover listed a number of local state legislators to take up the issue of those untaxed Indiana fireworks flowing into the city. What can state gov't do about the issue these fireworks?


  1. Is noise the problem? Fireworks and firecrackers are a longtime tradition that won't be undone anytime soon. Σ(ಠ_ಠ)

    It seems that the politicians are looking for (more) tax dollars for programs that don't always work. (@_@)

    Unless fireworks and firecrackers are legally sold in Illinois, Indiana will continue to fill the void. ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

  2. Noise is the problem. And you’re not wrong about this being a longtime tradition. Though I’m curious what solutions come out of the complaints. If it’s just more banning or criminalization then we’ll still get fireworks out of Indiana.


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