Saturday, July 12, 2008

Facing Criticism, Weis Reaches Out To Aldermen

From CBS2Chicago:
Today, in his office at police headquarters, Weis was trying to build political support among Chicago aldermen. He met with several small groups to defend the tactics and strategy of his department. Some didn't want to talk about the meetings, others did.

"They really had more officers deployed this year than they had in years past, they had 27 cameras out in the Taste area compared to last year when they had none," said Ald. Billy Ocasio.

"I think there are definitely growing pains, just from expectations and the changes, and the spike in violence," said Ald. George Cardenas.

Cardenas says if he were grading Weis' performance so far, he'd give him only a "C."

"Certainly he knows he has to get that grade up," Cardenas said.
A former Chicago police officer offers his take on the police chief here. I present to you Paul Huebl of Crimefiles:
Okay, now I must defend poor J-Fed. We have to remember J-Fed’s never been a street cop and just does not know the job. That’s not J-Fed’s fault, but the clowns that hired him to be the city’s top cop.
Not to say I know what it takes to be a police superintendent, but I wonder if never serving as a police officer might have hurt Wies. BTW, I recall on the Second City Cop blog that they had a problem with him wearing a CPD uniform. Something that he never earned.

If you go to that blog it seems they don't like the guy too much. There was once a post about police on duty during the Taste who tried to speak to his superintendent and was rebuffed by Weis' bodyguards.

Tonight there is a prediction that Weis, they refer to him as J-Fed, is "toast".

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