Saturday, July 12, 2008

From A Tiny ACORN, Scandal Grows

From ReedBiz:
Today's New York Times tells the sordid tale, so I won't get into all the details except to note that a trusted employee (funny how embezzlers are always trusted)walked off with a cool $1 million about eight years ago.

That's not the worse of it. Upon learning of the shortfall, ACORN's executive leadership keep this nugget of news to itself, never telling board members about the scandal and--get this--not bothering to tell the cops.

While embezzlement is bad, it can happen anywhere and any place. I've long believed that when anyone has unfettered access to other people's money, there's potential for abuse. That's why organizations--even do-gooder groups like ACORN--should be aggressively audited by outside accountants.

But where ACORN really screwed up is in its failure to come clean and tell the world.

ACORN argues that it stayed mum out of fear that its enemies would use the embezzlement against the group in the court of public opinion. ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is feared and hated by many corporate adversaries and some so-called conservative politicians, who despise its tactics when protesting in behalf of higher living wages, minority rights and improved health care. (In Chicago, ACORN opposition is one the reasons Wal-Mart has not been allowed to expand. Even the former community organizer and presidential hopeful Barack Obama has been slammed by some blogs for his earlier ties to ACORN.

I don't always care for ACORN's aggressive approach. But over the years I've seen ACORN play an important role in improving affordable housing for minorities and addressing other neighborhood grassroots issues.

But in this case, ACORN'S hypocrisy can't be ignored.

Imagine the fuss ACORN would have raised if one of its corporate targets or politicians had embezzled and then hid under a rock. Shouts of "Fraud!" and "Dereliction of Duty!" would have accompanied ACORN's protests, which would also include demanding the ousters of those responsible.
Go over there and read the whole thing.

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