The scene here, there was already a line outside on 75th Street. The boy you see here was handing out numbered tickets. They were calling out numbers inside. An elderly lady outside was handing out flyers for a ward picnic that is to take place on July 26th in Tuley Park, but she was only handing those out for those people who were leaving after picking up their stickers and parking permits.
I got closer to the door of the service office and to be sure this was not the first time I have been here. I saw that there was a wall securing the office from a reception area, which was full of people waiting to hear their number to handle their city clerk business. Some people who needed help filling out forms were sent into the office. Then they came back out to go into another part of the office behind another wall with the only entrance being a door to the other side of the office.
This is only the second time I went to the alderman's office for a city sticker and that first time the office seemed to have been more open, but I understand that times change. If a constituent needed to see the alderman surely they may say can I help you and then someone will be with you in a moment. Then they let you into the office.
It was truly crowded in this place. There were seats perhaps 25-30 seats or more. I made the assumption that these seats were for the elderly and even if that wasn't the case I chose to remain standing until I heard my number. The wait was about 30 minutes according to a lady working for the office directing traffic. It felt longer than that!
Anyway, there were two guys working for the city clerk there. They were also directing traffic. One guy was walking around with what I thought was a police badge, but he was merely an investigator for the city clerk and the badge indicated that. Another man was calling number and directing people to the appropriate cashier. In my case since all I had was a city sticker there wasn't a long wait for me and in less than may 15 seconds I was on my way.
They only took cash, check or money orders at the alderman's office. There was one police officer who dropped by to get his sticker. They let him up to the front of the line and he gave out a "DAMN!" when one of the city clerk employees told him that they were only taking cash, check or money orders. If you're reading this blog and would like to take advantage of buying a city sticker at your local alderman's office next year please remember that!
Some had to go back home to get some necessary information office employees reassured some that they won't lose their place in line. Surely there were more than a few who was forced to go back home and then came back later to handle their business.
The people getting the city sticker, were probably anywhere from middle aged to elderly. There were some younger people there getting a city sticker. I wonder if there were anyone who came from other city wards to get their city sticker?
City sticker enforcement starts July 16th. More info from the city clerk's website.
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