The debate questions were chosen by a moderator from questions submitted by the audience. The audience at the Union League Club appeared to over represent affluent “White” males. There were few African-Americans besides the journalists and people who did not meet the club’s dress code were excluded, per club policy.From what I have seen of Alvarez so far she seems to be an underwhelming candidate. I wonder if it's a bad thing to bring attention to the fact that she's both a woman and a Democrat. She should have more going on than that.
Peraica emphasized corruption as a problem facing Cook County and said that the two systems of justice administered by the CCSA protects the corrupt from being prosecuted. There is one system of justice for the connected and the elite and another system of justice for everyone else. He promised to "audit the book, lock up the crooks" only once. He referred to Cook County as "Crook County" a few times.
Alvarez was less focused in her message. She asserted that she was qualified for the job and that the main change needed is for the CCSA to listen to communities more. Alvarez has been a Cook County assistant state's attorney for 22 years since graduating from Chicago-Kent Law School. In a restrained manner she drew attention to being a woman and being a Democrat.
Both candidates took jabs at each other. Peraica damned Alvarez as someone who didn't take risks in an organization that turned a blind eye to corruption. He described her as the candidate chosen by the political bosses who want the CCSA to remain ineffective at investigating and prosecuting corruption. Alvarez said Peraica was a "career politician" who ran for various offices. His legal experience is as a defense attorney, not a prosecutor. And she linked Peraica to problems on the county board, especially the board failing to provide adequate resources.
Read the whole thing at Proviso Probe.
One of the most relevant angles to all this is the fact that a Chicago TOP trial-lawyer that has literally taken $100s of Millions from Cook County taxpayers in lawsuits that Anita Alvarez's office is sworn to defend us from has been mad the Campaign Finance Chairman for Anita Alvarez's campaign. He is also paying for her campaign headquarters, her website and E-mail service, her research and legal, even her decorations and catered food. Yes, the man she is sworn to defend us from in lawsuits, is the foundation for hewr campaign. By the way,he also has MORE Multi-$Million litigation waiting until after this election. NO INSIDER, Mrs Alvarez?
ReplyDeleteOne of the most relevant angles to all this is the fact that a Chicago TOP trial-lawyer that has literally taken $100s of Millions from Cook County taxpayers in lawsuits that Anita Alvarez's office is sworn to defend us from has been mad the Campaign Finance Chairman for Anita Alvarez's campaign. He is also paying for her campaign headquarters, her website and E-mail service, her research and legal, even her decorations and catered food. Yes, the man she is sworn to defend us from in lawsuits, is the foundation for hewr campaign. By the way,he also has MORE Multi-$Million litigation waiting until after this election. NO INSIDER, Mrs Alvarez?