During a radio debate between Stroger and Commissioner Forrest Claypool on WLS-AM 890's "Connected to Chicago," host Bill Cameron asked Stroger if he could "rule out future sales tax increases."
Stroger's answer: "No."
Stroger went on to say the 1 percentage-point sales tax hike that gave Chicago the highest sales tax in the country put county government in a stronger financial position.
He said local and state governments will likely have to raise taxes in the future because of the economic downturn. It was unclear during the debate if Stroger thinks Cook County would also face that type of tax-hike scenario.
But Friday afternoon, Stroger spokesman Eugene Mullins said the president has no plans to raise sales taxes or any taxes next year or "any year that he does a budget."
More on the recently passed county budget:
The county's 2009 spending plan -- which passed Friday with only Commissioners Jerry Butler, Larry Suffredin and Mike Quigley voting "no" -- doesn't include new taxes or any borrowing to pay for self-insurance or pension payments, which was suggested by the Stroger administration.
The original budget proposal was trimmed by about 4 percent, which could force some county departments to lay off workers.
little more from the Trib's Clout St. blog...
The Cook County Board approved a new $2.9 billion budget today that doesn't raise taxes or borrow money.
The 14-3 approval was far less contentious than last year, when Board President Todd Stroger had to pull out all the stops to pass a 1-percentage-point sales tax increase.
Stroger wanted to borrow several hundred million dollars this year, but ultimately could not muster the votes to get it done. The borrowing issue was deferred to another day.
Previous post:
Todd Stroger: The Beating Continues
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