Saturday, February 21, 2009

What else is going on at the county?

County Commissioners Beavers and Daley goes at each other according to the Sun-Times:
During a debate over approving a financial team to handle the sale of nearly $300 million in capital bonds, Beavers got steamed when Daley accepted a motion to delay the vote.

The bond team would give lucrative business to a handful of minority-owned firms and politically connected banks including JPMorgan Chase, where Daley's brother William Daley is a top executive.

"He don't want to vote for the [bond] team. If you look at this team, it's the first time minorities have ever been senior bond counsel. This is history," said Beavers. "And that's what they don't like. It's all about money."

Daley said Beavers "doesn't have a clue."

"He's totally wrong," Daley said. "My record on supporting minorities is very strong."
Sounds like someone is hurt because they've lost one too many.

1 comment:

  1. Beavers is correct. Why should the Daleys vote against Stroger when his father brought in the black vote for him for 20 years. Now the have left Todd alone and I support Beavers for making a statement that is past due. As a black voter in Chicago I am tired other telling us who to vote for or deciding who will represent us. Beavers is old school...I got that, but his outrage is correct. Is Daley not in support because a minority bond team in place???
    His friend and brother will still make millions.


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