Fast forward to 2012 and Chatham is not being called Cosbyville anymore. HBCU's are having difficult times attracting and retaining students. The popular television shows show dysfunctional African American families and individuals who have no respect for their community or culture.Go over to Worlee's blog and see why Cole is the future of Chatham and how Chatham can once again be "Cosbyville".
So I was pleasantly surprised when I met a young man named Jahmal Cole who stated he wanted to run for office. I stated you have to get involved, understand the community issues and network. This was several years ago and now he has. He recently finished his book "A Torch of Decency" which chronicles the history of Chatham. he doesn't sugarcoat the issues but talks straight forward about why things are happening and what needs and can be done to correct the problems.
Can Chatham get back to Cosbyville? With the next generation leaders like Jahmal, I believe we can.
Don't forget that there will be a book signing Saturday morning for author Jamal Cole at the Chatham Starbucks @ 200 W. 87th Street starting at 10 AM. Also so advertised on Worlee's blog.
People of different economic classes and people with different sets of values, culture, and life style can't live together.
ReplyDeleteThe black middle class has worked too hard and the government continues to move the ghetto next to people who were trying to get away from them.
As long as there is too much section 8 and goevernment owned CHA buildings in this area, there is little hope. The landlords don't live in this area so they don't care. Residents must own the vacant/ foreclosed and apartment buildings and keep them out of the hands of the government and outsiders.
Contact your representatives and senators in D.C also contact the speaker of the house and other republicans and tell them to cut funding for HUD so there are fewer vouchers given out and the CHA will be forced to close its subsidised housing. The republicans are right on this one. You don't have to vote for them just contact them and tell them you support the cutting of subsidised housing except for the elderly, disabled, and vets, they aren't the ones creating problems in our communities.
I love your NO NONSENSE view on this matter. Wow! And I thought I was the only blunt person around.
DeleteYou hit it right on the head about different economic classes being unable to live together. Look at the troubles of Hyde Park, in which upper class liberals are fed up with low class fools terrorizing their community. And, yes, I know some will bring up the past (always the PAST) in which Black people of different classes lived together. It was a different time. Pretty much everyone was on the same page when it came to values and decency. NOT TODAY!
It absolutely drives me bonkers that many decent Black citizens rationalize the actions of the scum in our race.
Black criminals (and not White criminals) terrorize our communities. Yet, you will always find some Black person giving an intellectual version of this "id not de folt, cause it da White Maan's sistum holdn dem bak" nonsense.
My suggestion is for you (and people like you) to seek out others with the same views and work together to SQUASH the criminals, VOTE OUT the politicians who perpetuate this craziness on the Black middle class, and EXPOSE Black intellectuals who make excuses for Black criminals as the idiots they are.
Trust me, there are more of us with common sense than you know. We just have to be LOUDER than the idiots who, supposedly, speak for the Black community.
By the way, you should start blogging. I would read it!
You made this same comment on my Chicago Now blog under the pseudonym "Carmel Cutie". Read my Chicago Now blog to see what I said about your view of what is going on in Chatham.