Friday, February 17, 2012

Free Dempsey Travis books available!

Our friends at R.A.G.E - Resident Association of Greater Englewood posted this news on their Facebook page,

Need Books??? City Colleges of Chicago has free Dempsey Travis book for community organizations. They have several pick up dates, the location is 1001 E. 87th. You can pick up the books on February 17, February 22, and February 24; 9:00 am-3:00 pm on each of those days. You must type your requested list prior to pick-up! If you are interested email for the inventory list!! Thanks!!

If you're interested, let them know!  This would be great to get for Black History Month (and read all year long!)

For more information on Dempsey Travis, see his Historymakers web page entry.

1 comment:

  1. You can see a 5-part video interview with the late, great Dempsey Travis at this YouTube playlist:


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