Sunday, March 3, 2013

ABC 7: Elderly man shot to death, robbed on Far South Side

[VIDEO] I didn't find out about this until I saw it in the FB group Chicago's Chatham Connection. It contained the photo below originally from the Ald. Sawyer's 6th Ward Chicago FB page and this caption:

Alderman Roderick T. Sawyer being interviewed about the attack of a Senior citizen on 95th street. He said that his neighbors should have known his schedule enough to help escort her to him morning dialysis. We must be neighbors again.

And here's what happened on 95th Street early on Saturday morning:
William Strickland, 72, was murdered outside his own home while waiting for a ride to a medical appointment.

Police say they are still looking for the two men robbed and shot him in the gangway outside his home in the 400 block of east 95th Street near King Drive on the South Side.

The shocking attack happened as William Strickland headed to an early morning medical appointment.
It happened around 3:30 Saturday morning as the man walked out of his south side home in the 400-block of East 95th Street.

He was headed to a waiting ride he'd scheduled to take him to a standing kidney dialysis appointment.

Friends say Strickland had been undergoing treatment for about five years and went three times a week, and early on Saturdays, to get it out of the way.
Police say Strickland was standing in a gangway between two houses when two attackers walked up, robbed him and shot him multiple times.

The driver of the Pace van, there for the pick-up, neighbors and the man's family, heard the shots.
As you should've gathered from the photo above, Ald. Sawyer was interviewed by ABC 7's Evelyn Holmes yesterday about this incident. In the video at the top of this post you should be able to see his comments but basically it's this:
"The message is that this has to stop. I can't stand another day of thinking about a senior, a child being murdered in our community in the city of Chicago. We have come together," Sawyer said.
Considering what happened I recognize this is small beans, however, the ABC 7 report said that Mr. Strickland resides in Brainerd and if I'm not mistaken that area is further west than where this incident occurred.

All the same, thanks to this incident we must remember to be very vigilant out there!

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