Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Ever seen these Kim Foxx is a crook flyers around?

 Over the summer, actually back in July I actually did see a flyer like this on a bus shelter on 95th Street. 

There was not a lot of context to that. Perhaps a random flyer with an unfair charge. Of course on social media it was noted that these were seen throughout the south side. I may have seen a bus shelter with a flyer like this on Cottage Grove over the summer.

And then in December I found a similar flyer at a bus shelter in the Sloop at Roosevelt & State.

Until seeing that this flyer had a twitter account attached to it, I had no idea of the context to these flyers. These were first seen months before the November election where Kim Foxx was successful in securing a second term in office over former Cook County Judge Pat O'Brien. She was also recently sworn into office for the second time.

If you check out the twitter account @kimfoxxisacrook. What do you think about what's being said there?


  1. Not sure about much these days, but according to LELDF George Soros has donated $417,000 to helping get Foxx reelected as the Chicago DA. Anybody Soros funds can certainly be bought off and is not to be trusted.


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