Thursday, April 2, 2009

Former Gov. Blagojevich indicted!

Watching Gov. Pat Quinn respond to the indictment.

Relevant links are to be posted here!

Round-up from the Capitol Fax including the published indictment.

A Newsalert flashback with regards Blagojevich's shady past.

Illinoize: ICPR and reform leaders react to Blago indictment

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Blago meets RICO

Marathon Pundit: Burris says he's not a target in upcoming Blago indictment

Clout St: Scandal-plagued state pension boards to get overhaul

Video: CBS2 legal analyst on Blagojevich indictment

Sun-Times: Blagojevich, brother among six indicted

AP: Ill. GOP chairman: Democrats empowered Blagojevich Key points in Blagojevich's time as Ill. governor

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