Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Blagojevich arraignment set and Jesse Jackson Jr.

Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's arraignment on federal corruption charges has been set for April 14.

The federal court schedule indicates that the former governor's brother, Robert Blagojevich, Springfield millionaire William Cellini and former chief fundraiser Christopher Kelly are to be arraigned at the same time. They were indicted along with the former governor.
Two former Blagojevich staff aides also indicted in the case are to be arraigned separately.
Meanwhile on the Jesse Jackson Jr. front:
U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., whose efforts to secure President Obama’s vacant U.S. Senate seat are being scrutinized in a congressional inquiry, said today “I have done nothing wrong,” and is confident the matter will be dismissed.

“I am cooperating fully with the preliminary review being conducted by the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE),” Jackson said in a statement released by his office. “I was notified last week about the inquiry and am eager to answer any questions and provide any information to the OCE about my actions related to last year’s vacant Senate seat.”
Jackson’s remarks are the first he has made since he sat down with federal investigators more than a week ago, despite repeated requests for comment in previous days.

“As I said when the [Rod] Blagojevich scandal first broke back in December, I have done nothing wrong and reject pay-to-play politics,” Jackson said Wednesday. “I’m confident that this new ethics office — which I voted in favor of creating — will be able to conduct a fair and expeditious review and dismiss this matter.”
For your interest you can read this report from The Bench on the whole Jesse Jackson Jr. story.

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