You can see the wind blowing the curtain on the top photo.
This building is in horrible shape...there are SEVERAL broken windows. Aren't they required to board these up?
This home seems like a nice start up home for young people. A porch on the side to do work, for example.
Anyone have any background on this property? It's very unusual, as other properties are well kept..
UPDATE: Included are some interior photos. The back windows were broken open, so you could see what's left of the interior.

Also, a photo of the garage.

ALSO: The building next door to it is for sale. I talked with an agent who was putting up a sign Thursday. She said the other proerty is a 3 bedroom that needs lots of work. They are asking $60,000 for it, but are very willing to negotiate.
If someone had enough money, it might be worth buying the two proerties and tearing them down. You could build a bigger home, with more yard space, in a safe neighborhood. Anyone interested?
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