It seems people are still pulling something from Ald. Lyle's very last ward meeting before she leaves office next month. This time it's the
"Some of you I'm going to miss and some of you I'm not going to miss. Democracy gives people the right to make mistakes, and I think that's what happened here."
—Ald. Freddrenna Lyle, 6th, to constituents at her final public ward meeting on her loss to Roderick Sawyer, son of the late Mayor Eugene Sawyer.
Do you believe you made we made a mistake on April 5th?
Wel they didn't get it exactly right. She stated that Alderman Ed Burke made the statement"Democracy gives people the right to make mistakes, and I think that's what happened here"to her. Now the rest she she did it was her politely flipping off people in the crowd she felt back stapped her.