Well remember that blog post from last night, about a potential deal that could result in a Black Alderman losing their ward? How about two Black Aldermen losing their wards along with potentially one white Alderman?
Before I get to any articles on the ward remap I gave you one tip, here's another thanks to activst Joe Lake provided on his FB page:
Facebook Breaking News - Nov. 30, 2011-11:30 p.m. Sources in Chicago's City Hall tell me that the new ward redistricting map is complete and will be signed off by several aldermen early tomorrow morning. Ald. Dick Mell is Chairman of City Hall's Redistricting Committee.That being said here's a quote from the Tribune with regards to this potential map which could result in three more Latino majority ward being drawn up:
Sources familiar with the process said Ald. Richard Mell, 33rd, chairman of the City Council Rules Committee, met Wednesday with representatives of the Latino Caucus, who were generally pleased with the way the map was taking shape.As stated in the posting from last night, Ald. Foulkes may find herself on the chopping block in order to make room for more Latino majority wards. However, Ald. Cochran is a new one to me.
The proposal would create three more wards with clear Hispanic majorities for a total of 13. The plan also would create at least two more wards with Hispanic populations near the 50 percent mark.
On the South Side, a new Hispanic-majority ward would reunite the historic Back of the Yards neighborhood. That could imperil the political future of Ald. Willie Cochran, 20th, and perhaps Ald. Toni Foulkes, 15th. Each faced a runoff election in April after failing to win a majority in February.
The notion caused tension in the Black Caucus, which wants to protect all of its 19 members, many of whom were engaged in heated debate Wednesday evening.
"Whose ox is going to get gored?" asked Black Caucus chairman Ald. Howard Brookins Jr., 21st. He said Back of the Yards should not be united at the expense of African-American wards.
This Sun-Times article provides quotes from both of those Aldermen:
Ald. Toni Foulkes (15th) could be remapped out of her South Side Ward, which would go from majority black to majority Hispanic. That would either force her to move and run for re-election in a Hispanic ward or stay put and challenge Ald. Joann Thompson (16th).Ah, Ald. Thompson another name mentioned as potentially one who could lose their ward in this remap. It could be conceivable that an Alderman or two could be drawn into another ward and possibly face an incumbent to remain on the city council.
“They shouldn’t try to reduce it from 19 and try to put people out of jobs. That’s not good for the city. The city should not be divided,” Foulkes said.
The African-American ward currently represented by Ald. Willie Cochran (20th) could also be moved to the North Side, leaving Cochran without a seat.
“I’m hopeful and confident that the 20th will be where it needs to be. If not, we’ll be in court,” Cochran said.
So far it's unclear how the remap will affect the various neighborhoods of the 6th Ward. I'm sure the neighborhoods of Roseland Heights, West Chesterfield and Chesterfield are keeping an eye on this situation intently!
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