Tuesday, January 15, 2013

SAVE THE DATE: February 5th event with the Cook County Assessor

A special tax event with the Cook County Assessor's office to take place at Whitney Young Library 7901 S. King Dr from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM on February 5th, 2013. Information courtesy of the Greater Chatham Alliance. Refer to flyer below!

1 comment:

  1. Middle-aged and younger homeowners really need to
    investigate all of these County property tax exemptions because the new property tax increase will probably hit them the hardest.

    This is an excellent opportunity for those of you who have never tried to re-coup some of your tax monies to get first hand information on the system.

    You may be surprised to learn you are eligible for tax exemptions you may not have known was available.

    Perhaps you are new in your home or have been in your home for 10 years and thought you did not qualify because you were too young, well come out and get the facts from the experts.

    Also, if you received your re-application form from the Assessors' office and forgot to submit it, or you have never filed in the past, or just became an eligible 65 year old senior, this is your last chance before the February 6th deadline to submit your Senior Homeowner/Senior Freeze Exemption forms.

    Forms for all of the tax exemptions will be available, as well the staff from the County Assessors' Office to answer your questions and help
    you process your form.

    Claire Addams, GCA Senior Chairman


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