Monday, February 11, 2013

Ald. Sawyer releases plan on violence

You can read the whole letter at the Alderman's official website at the following link:

Below you can read a one-page press release which is basically the short hand version of the letter you can access via link.

1 comment:

  1. Alderman Sawyer is a true Role Model. We're all blessed to have a down to earth Alderman. On the few occasions we've talked, he's inspired me to become more active in the community.

    Chief of Staff Brian Sleet is one of the hardest workers I've ever met. He's a very bright person. That's how I know he's a hard worker. You can't be bright and lazy. Those qualities don't mix well.

    Cheers to 6th Ward Alderman Sawyer and his staff for standing up for the people. That's super admirable.


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