The information here was added with a note expressing the

BTW, the Tribune made note of today's open house meeting so it's certainly getting some press. Perhaps more if people show up to it!
CTA - RED LINE EXTENSION ANNOUNCEMENT OPEN HOUSE MEETINGAnd Chicago State University has a meeting regarding their bid for President Obama's Presidential Library:
CTA is be ready to share their preliminary findings with the public at this Red Line Extension open house in May 13 2014.After incorporating public feedback from the open house, the Draft EIS (Environmental Impact Study) will be published in 2015.
- Learn more about the proposed alternatives
- Hear about anticipated project benefits and impacts
- Have the opportunity to provide feedback
Tuesday, May 13, 20145:30 – 7:30 p.m.Palmer Park Gymnasium201 E. 111th StreetChicago, IL 60628
Please join a new dynamic in Community Cultural Exchange.Again sorry for the late notice of these events, however, I hope that you would be able to attend one if not both of these very important meetings this evening.
Chicago State University is bidding for a chance to bring the Barack Obama Library to
the Southside.
Presidential Libraries are traditionally housed in Universities and they bring amazing value.
Our current President’s career as a Political Organizer began in Roseland.
CSU is in the footprint or president Obama's path from Roseland, to the Presidency of the United States of America.
THIS BID with YOUR INPUT could be worth $500,000,000 in improvements to our community.
CSU needs you on their Executive Advisory Community Board.
Let’s bring the Barack Obama Library to the Southside.
Please join us for a lite working supper:
Tuesday May 13, 2014 at 6 p.m. Chicago State University New Academic Library 4th Floor Auditorium 9501 South King Drive at St Lawrence Ave Entrance
RSVP: Wanda Wright –email: wwright @
( Parking will be provided to those that RSVP only. )
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