Thursday, August 30, 2018

Sun-Times: Van Dyke tells more of his story as he prepares for trial for McDonald murder

Sometimes it's good to hear the other side of the story. We'll probably hear more about the side of Officer Jason Van Dyke in what happened with LaQuan McDonald in 2014. Meanwhile we have some very controlled interviews as you might have seen something about from the Sun-Times:
The Chicago Police officer who fired the 16 shots that killed Laquan McDonald continued to tell his story Wednesday in selected media interviews as he prepares, with “huge” dread, for the start of his trial next week on first-degree murder charges.

“I’m extremely nervous. I’m petrified at the fact that I may be going to prison for the rest of my life for an act that I was trained to do by the Chicago Police Department,” Jason Van Dyke told Fox 32-Chicago WFLD-TV.

“Taking a person’s life is not something I take lightly at all. It’s very conflicting with religious beliefs. I never would have done this if I didn’t think my life or somebody’s else’s life was in danger.”

After a first round of interviews with the Chicago Tribune and WBEZ-FM Radio, Van Dyke sat down with Fox 32 for nearly an hour of questioning.

The ground rules were the same. Questions had to be submitted in advance. Van Dyke’s attorney, Dan Herbert, had to sit in with the right to interrupt if the line of questioning went too far. No questions were permitted about specific events that led up to the October 2014 shooting.

Van Dyke, who wears a bullet-proof vest to court, spoke haltingly and appeared visibly shaken as he continued to portray himself as a victim who did what he was trained to do by the Chicago Police Department, only because he felt that his own life and the life of his partner were threatened.
Here's another consideration that Van Dyke wants noted:
With long pauses, sometimes in mid-sentence, Van Dyke reiterated that politics played a role in the decision by then-State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez to charge him with first-degree murder just hours before the shooting video was released under court order.

At the time, Alvarez was under fire for waiting more than a year to file charges. She was subsequently defeated by Kim Foxx in a Democratic primary campaign dominated by the McDonald shooting.
I would like to find these interviews and post thembut don't have the time to do so as I write this. However, if you want to see the dashcam footage of what happened that night click here

Jobs on the block TODAY

I apologize in advance for this short notice, but I regrammed this on our ig page. If you're looking for a job come to 6600 S. Hermitage today from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

I also apologize for not being mindful of these workshops that have been scheduled before today so that you can have a fast pass to attending this job fair

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Capitol Fax: Willie Wilson cleared, handouts denounced, but will resume tomorrow

The controversy of last month - Willie Wilson handing out cash at a church under the guise of property tax relief - appears to be over. Mr. Wilson who made most of his money owning McDonald's franchises is cleared of wrongdoing and plans to continue his property tax relief for now.

Read more at CapFax

Monday, August 27, 2018

5 Loaves suffers a temporary set back this past weekend...

5 Loaves tagged us on a ig post that we regrammed on Sunday and Worlee Glover shared this on Concerned Citizens of Chatham also. It's a shame that a neighborhood eatery on 75th Street has been knocked out by copper thieves that keeps this business from operating - in this case no electricity. For a quick buck thieves prevent a legitimate business from making long-term money.
No sooner did I finish this post last night I saw this quick announcement on 5 Loaves ig that their electricity has been restored. I'm sure there is a whole story behind it, but it seems the folks at 5 Loaves got to work - with the help of the community - is back up and running and hopefully they'll see you as a customer on Tuesday and beyond!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Sun-Times: Vallas wants to dismantle Emanuel’s City Colleges makeover

 I'm going to say good luck with that Mr. Vallas. Paul Vallas ran as a candidate for Lt. Gov. with Pat Quinn in 2014 and was formerly CPS CEO under Mayor Richard M. Daley. He also was associated administratively with Chicago State University. Meanwhile the Sun-Times tells us what he'd like to change about the City Colleges of Chicago:
Mayoral challenger Paul Vallas vowed Thursday to dismantle Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s signature colleges-to-careers makeover that has allowed each of Chicago’s seven city colleges to prepare students for jobs in a particular growth industry.

The idea originated with former Mayor Richard M. Daley and Mayor Rahm Emanuel picked up the ball and ran with it.

Kennedy-King trains students for jobs in the culinary and hospitality industries. At Olive-Harvey, it’s transportation, distribution and logistics. Daley College focuses on engineering and advanced manufacturing. Malcolm X specializes in nursing and health sciences. Harold Washington’s specialty is business and professional services. At Wright, it’s information technology. At Truman, it’s education, human and natural sciences.

On Thursday, Vallas made the dismantling of those programs a centerpiece of his economic development plan for Chicago.

“Compare what’s being offered at Olive-Harvey with what’s being offered at Malcolm X and I’ll rest my case. Ask yourself whether the job training being offered at Olive-Harvey, 10 years from now, whether those same jobs are gonna be even in existence as opposed to the jobs being offered at Malcolm X,” Vallas told a news conference at his campaign headquarters.

“What I’m saying is that there should be a series of core programs that are offered in all the colleges and that are accessible to everybody.”
Now this makes sense right? Of course the current administration objects to this:
Emanuel campaign spokesperson Caron Brookens was incensed by Vallas proposing to undo a program that she said has made City Colleges relevant with curricula designed by executives in those fields.

“The fact that he would propose decimating a pipeline from Chicago’s City Colleges to good jobs and good paychecks might be another telling reason he was pushed out of Chicago State,” Brookens wrote in email to the Sun-Times, referring to Vallas’ brief tenure as chief administrative officer at the Far South Side school.

Brookens was equally sour about the rest of Vallas’ plan to rebuild what he called, Chicago’s “forgotten communities.”
Sooooo, my two cents I attended the City Colleges years ago before the emphasis on college to career. In the last decade it seemed each of the colleges lost their identities - even though it's all part of one system. Why not get back to that and allow each college a core program accessible to everyone.

Meanwhile if you read the whole things a number of campaign happenings going on there not just with the discussion of the City Colleges. Let's just say Vallas thinks any attempt by Mayor Emanuel to invest in the city's neighborhoods - especially on the south and west sides - are too little, too late.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Tribune: Rapper hosting 'anti-bait truck' event in Englewood to give away shoes

More ramifications from that controversial bait truck operation which the Norfolk Southern Railroad has expressed regret for.
A Chicago rapper's foundation will be giving away thousands of shoes in a low-income South Side neighborhood where a recent sting using "bait trucks" to lure potential shoe thieves faced criticism from civil rights activists and local officials.

Rapper Vic Mensa's SaveMoneySaveLife foundation will give away shoes Sunday in the Englewood neighborhood. The event comes after residents filmed police arresting a man and accused officers of trying to entrap poor residents.

Norfolk Southern Railroad organized the sting with assistance from the Chicago Police Department. The effort was aimed at combatting thefts from nearby rail yards. The railroad company has since apologized, and prosecutors dropped charges against three people arrested during the sting.

Sunday's event will include multiple "anti-bait trucks" with gym shoes from brands, including Puma, Adidas, Nike and Converse, for everyone from toddlers to adults, said foundation co-founder Laundi Keepseagle.

"It's been so beautiful," she said. "I'm so excited for these kids to get shoes for the new (school) year."

Keepseagle said large donations were made from as far as Germany, China and Australia by multiple athletes and musicians who asked to remain anonymous.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Curbed: Why U.S. cities need more multi-racial, mixed-income neighborhoods

This is something you might have seen on the national Curbed site yesterday. You may have even seen this as a link on Curbed Chicago also.
The report concludes that the U.S. currently has 1,300 neighborhoods home to about 7 million Americans which qualify as diverse, mixed-income communities. Many of these neighborhoods are in three U.S. cities—New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles—but a detailed map that accompanies the study reveals that of the 52 most populous metropolitan areas, about 80 percent have at least one neighborhood which fits this description.

There is growing consensus that integration is key to promoting a wide range of positive outcomes for all residents by improving access to economic opportunity. More integrated communities give more people better connections to jobs, schools, and civic resources.

Integration is also important from a fiscal perspective as cities are adversely affected by the financial burdens of segregation. A 2017 study by the Urban Institute and the Metropolitan Policy Center of the Chicago metropolitan area found that segregation cost the city of Chicago more than $4 billion annually.
Could it be integration will be the key to changing some of Chicago's neighborhoods? Especially the most violent neighborhoods?

Just bear in mind not just ethnic/race integration, but income integration. So-called upper, middle, or low incomes.

BTW, read the whole thing

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Poll: Do you know what BoomBox Chatham is?

I missed this over the weekend. Over at Concerned Citizens of Chatham there was a poll over whether or not anyone in the community knows what BoomBox Chatham is. I suppose Worlee Glover is attempting to determine if anyone in the community knows it actually exists.

I'll be on the lookout later however Worlee has been outspoken about the lack of a plan for the BoomBox location at 79th and Rhodes - the site of the demolished Rhodes Theater. And every once in a while our IG page gets tagged by BoomBox on the latest happening at the space. Here's the latest happening as of earlier this month.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Kusanya clean-up day August 19, 2018

If you're done with the back-to-school events on Saturday perhaps you might be interested in volunteering with Kusanya Cafe or My Block My Hood My City on Sunday. They're looking to clean up an adjacent vacant lot at 6950 South Green Street on August 19 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Back-to-school celebration Parkway Garden Christian Church tomorrow!

From a recent e-mail blast from 6th Ward Ald. Roderick Sawyer

Parkway Garden Christian Church - In partnership with Chicago Police Dept. 3rd Distrcit CAPS & Dream Yough Complex

A back-to-school celebration and all are welcome

Saturday, August 18, 2018
From 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Parkway Garden Christian Church
Rev. Dr. Edward J. Morris Sr., Pastor
6600 S. King Drive

For more info call 773.956.8723

This among other back-to-school events for tomorrow.

Refer to flyer below

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Hal Baskin RIP

Zbigniew Bzdak / Chicago Tribune
EDIT 11:08 AM - per suggestion of the reader I just changed from the YouTube video from 2011 to a Tribune file pic of the late Hal Baskin! So now the first thing you won't have to see is 6th Ward Ald. Roderick Sawyer once you click the post link! My apologies for the confusion.

I'm mostly familiar with the longtime Englewood community activist for his run for 16th Ward Alderman in 2011 a campaign we documented through mostly clips from the former WYCC program Off 63rd with Garrard McClendon. He was one of the challengers for Alderman from different wards that included now Alderman Roderick Sawyer who himself was challengening then 6th Ward Alderman Freddrenna Lyle, and of course Rhymefest who was hoping to unseat Ald. Cochran in the 20th ward.

On the other hand Mary Mitchell had written far more about him and his background as of late and it makes reference to his youthful past as a gang member. I definitely will applaud that he was able to turn his life around. Unfortunately there are those who refuse to let that past go.
Hal Baskin could not outlive his past.

Although he had put away his gang affiliation long ago — choosing to be part of the solution instead of the problem — his past as a teenage gangster hung on.

He died suddenly on last Friday at 66 years old.

Baskin had left the gang life at 19 and eventually founded P.E.A.C.E. — People Educated Against Crime in Englewood — an organization formed to keep young people out of trouble.

He made several unsuccessful runs for alderman, was an unofficial peacekeeper at Englewood High School, a grass-roots community organizer, and a real estate developer.

Still, the headline on his obit read “Former Gang Member Became Voice for Peace in Englewood.”
Baskin's death was noted on RAGE's ig page and Englewood has lost a champion. Condolences to Mr. Baskin's family.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Block Club Chi: Railroad Police Regret Using Bait Trucks In Chicago, Promise Not To Do It Again

Caught my eye thanks to a screencap of this story posted to RAGE's ig page. Will share below meanwhile check out this Block Club story about this so-called "bait-truck" set up by the Norfolk Southern Railroad and Chicago Police.
The Norfolk Southern Railroad on Friday said it regrets its controversial “Operation Trailer Trap” sting in Englewood and will stop the practice just days after activists’ videos of the “bait truck” operation went viral.

The railroad, which was harshly criticized by neighbors, politicians and viewers of the videos around the world, said the sting “eroded trust between law enforcement and the community.”

According to activist videos posted online, a semi-truck was left on Englewood streets with boxes of shoes inside. Officers waited for people to try to break into the truck, and then arrested them. It was a joint operation between Norfolk Southern Railroad and the Chicago Police Dept., which has already said it will take “a hard look” at the practice going forward.

After initially defending the tactic, Norfolk Southern now says they don’t plan to do it again.

“Norfolk Southern recognizes that, despite the need to safeguard freight in the area, this operation eroded trust between law enforcement and the community,” Herbert Smith, manager of community and legislative affairs, said in a statement. “We sincerely regret that our actions caused further unease, and we don’t plan to use this method in the future.”
I almost forgot did 2nd City Cop say anything about this? Yes they did from this past Saturday. I'm not a fan of this tactic, but this is how the local police blog looks at it.
Almost immediately after Kim Foxxx dropped all charges against the burglars who cut open truck trailer seals in order to unlawfully loot whatever was within, Norfolk Southern acquiesced to the criminal class and agreed to allow their trains to be looted with impunity
Emphasis (what I placed in bold) is mine. Also:
Reverse Stings are completely legal and accepted police tactics. If you don't cut open a trailer seal and unlawfully enter and remain within while intending to commit a theft, YOU CAN'T BE CHARGED! It's like an actual law. Imagine that - obey the law and nothing happens.

But now, newly emboldened burglars can cut open train cars and parked trucks and loot with the knowledge that whatever they break into isn't being watched by cops.  And the cost to everyone else can be calculated in million of dollars. And you can thank Kim Foxxx and the ACLU for starters.
Anyway here's the RAGE ig post

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Capitol Fax: Can we please do something that actually works?

Let's start with a question: is it time to fund consistently any violence interruption programs? That's what the Capitol Fax link below from yesterday discusses. Violence interruption programs have been cut in recent years and as a result we see in the news incidents of gun violence. And another take away, violence interruption works and thus the next question: Why don't we support it?

Monday, August 13, 2018

Chicago Argus: Is this the calm before the storm?

Laquan McDonald
While there have been other stories, that have caught Chicagoans attention recently. This one is a persistent story and is how the second term of Mayor Rahm Emanuel started off based on how his administration handled this - which is roughly:
Come Sept. 5, the Cook County courts will finally get around to holding the trial that will decide the fate of officer Jason Van Dyke – the man who got captured on crude video firing 16 shots into the body of a 17-year-old who may, or may not, have been acting irrationally.

THERE’S NO DOUBT that Van Dyke fired the shots that killed Laquan McDonald. The issue in this trial is going to be whether his actions were justified as part of his duties “to serve and protect” the people of Chicago.

Which is going to be a judgment call. It’s clear that no matter what, the public perspective will be such that Chicago will be seriously split. This verdict is going to leave the populace of Chicago seriously p-o’ed.

For every single person determined to believe this is an instance of a police officer committing cold-blooded murder, there’s going to be another individual wanting to believe that McDonald got what he deserved – and that perhaps we ought to be thinking of giving him a medal.

A concept that will seriously offend those who have been outspoken in their rhetoric that Van Dyke belongs in prison. They probably won’t be happy until they hear word that “inmate” Van Dyke was assaulted by fellow inmates while in prison.
Will you be following this trial? 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Back to school events on August 18, 2018

9th Ward Annual Back to school picnic & health fair

Saturday, August 18, 2018
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Palmer Park
201 E. 111th Street

Of course give Ald. Beale's office a call with any questions! 773.785.1100

BTW the above image was taken from Ald. Beale's new ig page. Give it a look and follow to see what else he's up to!

Also  next Satuday the 56th annual Englewood back to school parade. Here's a post from englewoodparade on ig. To register or 773.802.1568

Friday, August 10, 2018

Shred-a-thons #6WardChicago #Ward09

Two document shred events coming up this month.

This one is coming up next Saturday!

6 Ward Shred-a-Thon
Saturday, August 18, 2018
10:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Parking Lot
215 W. 71st Street

Refer to flyer below for more information
Then from Ald. Anthony Beale's ig page

Community Shred Day
Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
103rd & Eberhart
or 451 E. 103rd Street

Of course for more info on this call Ald. Beale's service office 773.785.1100

A permanent reallocation of police to troubled neighborhoods #BuildingwithBeale #Ward09
I got to say I'm with 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale on this:
Mayor Rahm Emanuel was urged Wednesday to permanently reassign police officers to gang-ravaged South Side and West Side districts instead of taking the political path of least resistance and assigning 600 additional officers only temporarily.

“We cannot continue to just move things around temporarily to get us past the weekend. We need a bold approach to make the entire city safe by putting `em where they’re needed and not where they’re wanted,” said Far South Side Ald. Anthony Beale (9th), former chairman of the City Council’s Police Committee.

“You go downtown and you still see an officer on every corner. You see `em on the Riverwalk. If you go into the community, you don’t have that same presence. We need to make this entire city safe and move those resources around from one end to the other.”

Beale said the reallocation that police Supt. Eddie Johnson promised two years ago — but failed to deliver — can be accomplished without putting North Side police districts at risk.

Whether aldermen will stand for it in the runup to the 2019 election — or whether Emanuel would risk the political fallout — is another story entirely.

“They’re gonna scream bloody murder. I get that because they feel that their community is being sacrificed, and it’s not,” Beale said of his colleagues.

“Our city has a black eye, and we need to heal that black eye. Sometimes, you have to piss some people off in order to do the right thing. Leadership is about making decisions that are unpopular. It’s an unpopular decision to move officers away from certain areas. But it will be beneficial to the entire city.”
 One promise, with the permanent reallocation of police officers to the city's hot spots we shouldn't have any bait trucks. Go into these hot spots aggressively but it's not necessary to be tricky like that!

What do you all think? Will more police in the city's hot spots put a dent in the gun violence?

Thursday, August 9, 2018

6th Ward Alderman: Bait Truck Sting In Englewood ‘Unacceptable,’

Ald. Roderick Sawyer is chairman of the city council Black Caucus and seem to be very busy. First last weekend's violence, now police using bait trucks to catch offenders:
The chairman of the City Council’s Black Caucus denounced a sting operation that used “bait trucks” to try to catch thieves in Englewood, saying it was an “inappropriate use of police resources” and a hearing should be held to get answers.

Ald. Roderick T. Sawyer (6th) called Chicago Police and the Norfolk Southern Railroad on the carpet for the joint operation, which was revealed when video shot by activists went viral this week.

“This bait truck operation is an unacceptable and inappropriate use of police resources,” Sawyer said in a statement. “In a moment where police capacity is clearly under extreme strain, these sort of tactics are the last thing we should be spending manpower and energy on.

“This initiative serves only to undermine already fragile efforts to build trust between law enforcement and the community, and to reinforce counterproductive policies that have contributed to the mass incarceration of Black youth in our city.
More about the viral videos:
One of the two viral videos was shot by activist Charles Mckenzie, who posted it on Facebook. Sawyer personally thanked the 29-year-old Englewood activist for filming the sting “so that it could be laid bare for the public and news media to examine.”
Here are one of those videos which I found in this Block Club Chi article where the police defended their tactics.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

#6WardChicago Senior Ice Cream Social Thursday

Last week I posted that and in the title I erroneously typed August 6th.  As is stated in the flyer embed below the ice cream social is on August 9th. My apologies, the previous post on this was corrected.

The 6th Ward Democratic Organization and Alderman Roderick T. Sawyer invites you to come and join them at the 6th Ward senior ice cream social

When: Thursday, August 9, 2018
Time: 11am-1pm
Venue: 6th Ward Community Room
Address: 706 East 79th Street

Tribune: A rift, then split between Lake Shore Drive protest organizers over planned shutdown of Kennedy Expressway

So evidently there is a disagreement as far as another highway shutdown to protest gun violence in Chicago's troubled neighborhoods!
Less than a week after a coalition of South and West side community leaders orchestrated a protest that shut down part of North Lake Shore Drive, march organizers Tio Hardiman and the Rev. Gregory Livingston have decided to go separate ways, a split both say resulted from differences in ideology.

The rift comes after Livingston, a West Side pastor and activist, announced a plan to shut down parts of the Kennedy Expressway bound for O’Hare International Airport on Labor Day. In a Tuesday statement, Hardiman said plans for the upcoming protest — an escalation of the tactic organizers used for the Aug. 2 Lake Shore Drive protest — were made without his approval. As a result, he and Livingston will no longer work together.

“We fell out over this; he used me,” Hardiman, head of the Violence Interrupters, said in his release. “He is trying to use this as a stepping stone for this own career.”

Hardiman, who has run for governor twice, said Livingston’s plan to shut down the Kennedy is “ludicrous” and would result in protester arrests. He refuses, he said, to allow marchers to participate in tactics that could prompt “aggressive force by law enforcement authorities.”

“He hijacked my movement,” Hardiman said of the Lake Shore Drive protest. “Everybody out there knew that was my idea — except for him.”

In a phone interview Tuesday, Livingston said he invited Hardiman to participate in the Aug. 2 demonstration and that Hardiman came up with the idea of the Lake Shore Drive protest. Livingston said he introduced the idea of marching to Wrigley Field. Though they successfully cooperated in the past, the two had differences in their thinking, he said.

“He had his ideas, we had our ideas,” Livingston said. “At some point, we realized we had different ideas.”

Capitol Fax: Wilson lashes out after AG requests more info about his charity

Michael Tercha, Chicago Tribune
Sharing quite a few links from Capitol Fax recently.

This time it appears the state's attorney general office is looking into the "cash giveaway"from Willie Wilson's foundation. It was big news from last month that he handed cash to church goers under the guise of property tax relief.

It's not being characterized as an audit as far as a spokesperson for the AG. However, it's safe to say Willie Wilson's campaign isn't happy with the scrutiny. And also needed to say if you look at some details of Wilson's statement you see he realizes he's being targeted by some of his political opponents.

Pullman Community Playground Build Day/Block Party

Found this flyer in an e-mail blast from state senator Elgie Sims
Pullman Community Playground
Build Day/Block Party
August 10, 2018
10440-10444 S. Corliss
Building begins 7:45 AM
Ribbon cutting 2:30 PM

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Capitol Fax: The Black Caucus response to the city’s mass shootings

Well in addition to Monday's post where the Capitol Fax shares a number of tweets and quotes about the past weekend's gun violence toll he also shares with us a press release from the city council's Black Caucus. The CapFax post was also updated with Crain's Chicago Business Greg Hinz interviewing a few members of the Black Caucus and the chair - being 6th Ward Ald. Roderick Sawyer - was quoted by Hinz.
My intention was to post this far earlier, but was away from my computer today and caught up in today's rain!

Although this is worth sharing in this same vein. State Rep. LaShawn Ford was on FOX News yesterday and he wants President Donald Trump to help with the violence in Chicago [VIDEO]
Is it time to bring in federal help for the gun violence in our neighborhoods?

Pre-Rap Sheet Day on August 8, 2018

Sealing, expungement, legal options info session. Seeking returning citizens to prepare to "get cleared or assist with options.

Where: Teamwork Englewood Offices (Inside US Bank Building)
             815 W. 63rd Street, 2nd floor
When: August 8, 2018 from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Register via e-mail at omonroe @

With questions call Otis Moore at 773.315.9720

Visit the website at

Monday, August 6, 2018

Capitol Fax: Mass shootings overwhelm city

A violent weekend in Chicago and as Rich Miller states: There are no words… He shares and embeds some tweets and quotes some news pieces. You might see a press conference with Rahm Emanuel and his police chief Eddie Johnson later on, perhaps you'll see it on Chicago Tonight as I saw a microphone for them at this press conference.

And of course why wait for Chicago Tonight if I could find some footage of the mayor and police superintendent right now. [VIDEO]
Will more marching end this violence in our problematic neighborhoods?

August 7, 2018 Meyering Park National Night Out

Presented by the 3rd Chicago Police District

National Night Out
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
5:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Meyering Park
7140 S. King Drive

Refer to flyer below!

Want to join the Illinois State Police?

In an e-mail blast from state senator Elgie Sims we see some information with regards to recruitment for the state police.
IL State Police
  • The Illinois State Police Merit Board is currently processing applications for Cadet Class 129, tentatively scheduled for April, 2019. In order to be considered for Cadet Class 129, the Merit Board must receive a completed application and required documentation by August 15, 2018.

    Applicants may apply online here
Also the Chicago Police have again begun recruiting for more police officers starting on August 1 through October 1, 2018. Follow on fb, ig, and twitter @bethechangeCPD or visit Also call 312.744.4976 or 311 if you have any questions.

87th/Dan Ryan mall parking

I'm sharing this for those of you who have been affected by this and for those of you who patronize the shopping on the west side of the Dan Ryan to beware. I will share first Worlee Glover's post from Concerned Citizens of Chatham looking for people affected by the towing of legally parked vehicles.
Also a post at Nextdoor regarding this. 
I am at the Staples mall protecting my people

That predatory tow truck company got 1 van under my watch. I met another victim who owns a pickup. He had to pay $1,500 to retrieve his truck. It cost more for pickups! I filed my paperwork. This is a job for Ald. Brookins to address. He is going to hear from me.
A bit more detail
Ash Said is the owner of Rapid Recovery, which received an "F" from the Better Business Bureau.
 I recommend you sign up for nextdoor to get involved in the discussion or get in touch with Worlee or share a comment here on this blog about what your experience as far as the parking in the shopping areas of 87th/Dan Ryan.

Hey perhaps we should get the Parking Ticket Geek involved! Though I recognize he doesn't specialize in towing of legally parked vehicles from privately owned parking lots.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Marathon Pundit: Pics from recent Chicago anti-violence march

Via John Ruberry
I'm sorry that I haven't devoted much coverage to this anti-violence march that took place on the north side on Thursday. I feel as if there was more coverage on this blog of the march that took place on the Dan Ryan Expressway last month with Father Michael Pfleger.

The pic above interests me was shot my the Marathon Pundit John Ruberry who was on scene in the Lakeview, Wrigleyville, Boystown neighborhoods of Chicago. The march started off on north Lake Shore Drive and eventually arrived in those areas.

Ruberry shares the caption:
911 is a joke? Really? Is this man a September 11 "truther?" Again, what does 9-11 have to do with Chicagoans slaughtering each other?

Or is this loon claiming that Chicago's emergency telephone number is a joke?

If this guy's home is broken into, will he call 911? Or will he dial the cell number of Tio Hardiman, one of the organizers of the protest?
I could turn this into an argument in favor of the 2nd amendment. It could be said a citizen has to handle their business until authorities arrive onto the scene. I feel this is a great counterpoint to a recent post here about the 2nd amendment.

In this same post I want to share artistmac's video of this march on the north side. Can't say much about it yet as I haven't watched it in full. I'm not surprised he went up there to record some of the festivities. Yes I know festivities isn't the best word for this. [VIDEO]

All the same what does Ruberry presents: "Pictures from the Chicago anti-violence march that you won't see in the mainstream media". What do you all think about that?

Do you feel that these anti-violence marches on the city's major roads will make an impact that will cause the city to take the issue of gun violence seriously.

Friday, August 3, 2018

August 9th ward senior ice cream social #6wardchicago

The 6th Ward Democratic Organization and Alderman Roderick T. Sawyer invites you to come and join them at the 6th Ward senior ice cream social

When: Thursday, August 9, 2018
Time: 11am-1pm
Venue: 6th Ward Community Room
Address: 706 East 79th Street

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Joravsky: Does the Second Amendment apply to black people?

GO FALCONS and props to student artist who created this
Another item I missed from Chicago Reader's Ben Joravsky bouncing off of the police shooting of Harith Augustus

With all the attention focused on the police shooting of Harith Augustus in South Shore, the silence coming from the gun rights groups is deafening.

I mean, just about everyone else has weighed in, one way or the other, on the July 14 shooting, including Black Lives Matter activists, Mayor Rahm, and the Fraternal Order of Police.

But not a word from the normally loquacious spokespeople for the National Rifle Association like Dana Loesch, Oliver North, or Wayne LaPierre.

And it's weird, 'cause if ever there were a case tailor-made for the NRA to join—or even lead—it would be this one.

Consider what we know from the footage released by Chicago police.
Unless I've missed something during the course of the past month, the attention on South Shore seemed to have died down. However it's a good question, in the case of Mr. Augustus, where is the NRA? Does a "right to bear arms" for self-defense stop at Chicago's city limits? Does it exist only outside of gun-violence plagued communities?

Read the whole piece and let us know what you think!  

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Cost of Father Pfleger's expressway shutdown to protest gun violence in July

While the Dan Ryan march happened in July and another march is being planned to disrupt traffic on Lake Shore Drive, we're looking at the costs of the earlier march led by Father Pfleger.
As Chicago prepares to handle another protest that could shut down a major roadway, the total cost of the last big demonstration has hit at least $323,000.

That’s the bill that taxpayers are footing for the Dan Ryan Expressway march earlier this month.

The cost so far — $323,229.33 — includes nearly $1,000 in fuel costs for state Department of Corrections vehicles, nearly $200,000 in state police pay and benefits and $52,000 in state Department of Transportation equipment costs, according to department records.

The Cook County Sheriff’s Office said they helped state police with 911 calls during the Dan Ryan march, at a cost of about $3,000.

As of Monday afternoon, the Chicago Police Department had not provided an estimate of their protest-related costs. Neither had the Chicago Transit Authority, though it was unclear how the march could have had a financial impact on that agency. Even State Police said they’re still calculating their final costs.