I also wanted to share this with you. This CBS Chicago aired yesterday on their 11 AM broadcast and had investigative reporter Brad Edwards speculate on the timing of Emanuel's announcement. Does the Mayor dropping out of the 2019 race have anything to do with the Jason Van Dyke trial that's about to start this week? [VIDEO]
On the other hand, even if it was edited I think I'll go with former Obama advisor David Axelrod on this. There's probably nothing coming out of that Van Dyke trial that could hurt the mayor in any way. Although who knows how politically charged that trial could become as it goes forward. [VIDEO]
Of course needless to say what happened with LaQuan McDonald was shot 16 times by Van Dyke and an alleged cover-up after that probably helped to hobble the mayor. Just remember before the news broke about this in 2015, Emanuel defeated county commissioner Chuy Garcia in a run-off earlier that year. He had a rough period as mayor without a doubt.
Also I might add, Axelrod also noted that third terms are difficult to govern. Emanuel was worried about and yet publicly it seemed he was enthused about a third term. Who knows what changed his mind, but it might not have been a last minute decision for certain.
I know in another post yesterday before this Emanuel's announcement broke that I asked a loaded question asking if you're ready to send the mayor packing. The new question today is whether or not you're enthused by the 11 other candidates who are seeking to replace Rahm Emanuel?
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