Friday, July 26, 2019

And 2nd City Cop doesn't disappoint...

I knew that the blog written for and by Chicago Police officers would offer their perspectives on Mayor Lightfoot's comments directed towards a Fraternal Order of Police official and of course the dustup over the background checks for those who speak at police board meetings.

Here's the post about the "clown" remark caught on a hot mic from Mayor Lightfoot. Oh 2nd City Cop calls her "Groot" that's not nice.

And they discuss the story about background check for members of the public who sign up and speak at police board meetings. It's interesting to learn hear that if you choose to speak to the Chicago City Council they also do background checks.

What other government agencies that offer public meetings do background checks? Why were only the police board meetings singled out?

1 comment:

  1. If she can call someone a clown than I can call her The Clown Mayor


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