Monday, August 31, 2020

You hear about the shooting at a pancake house in Morgan Park?

[VIDEO] Beverly/Morgan Park/Mount Greenwood is a part of the city known for the residency of city workers especially first responders (i.e. police and fire), however, that area which is mostly part of Ward 19 is known as a politically important area. I would have a tough time believing that they would tolerate a crime like this. I even would say shootings wouldn't occur there then came Sunday afternoon.

As you see in the CBS Chicago report above one man was shot fatally - said to be the intended target - four others were injured as they dined in an outside tent at a pancake house on Western Avenue.


  1. No area is immune from crime, not even the 19th Ward. Crime is free will and can't be stopped.☹️

  2. I wonder, if many CPD and CFD live in Morgan Park.


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