Saturday, September 26, 2020

Did you know there was a Republican running against Kim Foxx?


[VIDEO] It's been quite a while since I've shared anything from Public Affairs host Jeff Berkowitz who recently interviewed Foxx's Republican opponent Pat O'Brien. The video you see above.

What a difference four years makes? There was great enthusiasm for Kim Foxx four years ago against then state's attorney Anita Alvarez. I'm sure there was a perception that Alvarez wasn't adequately addressing the needs of the Black community over her eight years in office.

Lately State's Attorney Kim Foxx has gotten a lot of attention and it started with the Jussie Smollett fraud. Did you know a judge who called for a special prosecutor in that case didn't get endorsed by the Cook County Democrats.

And nationally - well actually with the right wing to be honest - she's been getting some attention for he handling of the unrest in Chicago especially after the death of George Floyd and last month after the looting in the wake of a young Black man getting shot.

To also share 2nd City Cop wants to see former Democrat and Cook County Judge Pat O'Brien defeat the sitting state's attorney they dub Crimesha.

I also want to note the last Republican who held the state's attorney office was Jack O'Malley who was defeated by Dick Devine for the office in 1996. He later became an appellate judge.


  1. The Preckwinkle Machine wanted Foxx, because there's too many Blacks and LatinX in jail. ��ಠ︵ಠ

    The Hey Jacka** (censored by me) website shows crime in our Black areas. ��ಠ︵ಠ

  2. In 1990, Jack O'Malley defeated appointed incumbent Cecil Partee (1989), who replaced Richard M. Daley, who was elected Mayor of Chicago over Acting Mayor Eugene Sawyer. �� ಠ﹏ಠ

    Partee was accused of being a deadbeat dad and slumlord. �� ಠ_ಠ

    O'Malley defeated Ald. Pat O'Connor (40), who was a Vrydolyak 29 member. �� ಠ_ಠ

    In 1972, Bernard Carey defeated incumbent Ed Hanarahan, who was involved in Fred Hampton's and Mark Clark's 1969 murders. ಠ︵ಠ

  3. Carey served until 1980, when Daley 2 defeated him (and Burke in the primary). Carey was a judge too. ಠ_ಠ

    1. You know your political history Eddie. 👍🏾

    2. Thanks. I either lived it, heard about it or read it.
      ಠ﹏ಠ ��

    3. Kim Foxx will mostly win on political party, race and gender. ಠ﹏ಠ

      Having Libertarian Brian Dennehy, on the ballot, siphons votes away from Republican Pat O'Brien. ಠ_ಠ

    4. You may well be right Eddie. We don't have long until Election Day however. It does seem O'Brien has some momentum, however, history and patterns just aren't his friends.

    5. Hi Levois. O'brien's chances depend on how the Republican chairs are supporting him. ಠ_ಠ

      The Republican chairs are:

      Illinois GOP Chair
      Tim Schneider

      Cook County GOP Chair
      Sean Morrison

      Chicago GOP Chair
      Steve Boulton

      Chicago Northwest Side GOP Chair - Matt Podgorski

      ಠ ೧ ಠ

  4. I was right about Foxx winning.

    1. Yeah you're right, Eddie. Your factors were correct and I'm sure party affiliation was part of it also.

    2. Of course. Ms. Foxx could only win as a Democratic.


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