First off I want to refer you back to this post entitled "Should the 6th be South Looped". It was based on a comment made on a post over at the Chatham Avalon Park Community Council (CAPCC) blog. That comment over at the CAPCC blog was in a post discussing the issues of crime in Chatham.
I've been struggling with how this post should go so now it may just be a series of posts on "South Looping" Chatham. I'll attempt to number them going forward although how many posts this may take has yet to be determined. It was my intent to do a big posts, but for some reason it's not being written to my satisfaction.
Let me stress also that I'm sure Chatham residents are reading this blog. If you are I have no problem if you critique these posts. My only frame of reference comes thru passing thru Chatham and word of mouth in addition to anything that I have read about that neighborhood. If you're a Chatham resident you're literally on the ground there and thus may have more familiarity with the neighborhood. Indeed some of you may have better ideas than my own.
My idea to express my conclusion is that there is no way Chatham can be "South Looped". Although surely the point of "South Looping" Chatham might more or less entail some improvements to the neighborhood to at least find ways to make the neighborhood a very desirable place to live. As it has been a desirable place to live.
So that's the point I want to look at. Can Chatham be improved upon? Can this neighborhood attract residents especially those with families? Can Chatham attract educated and professional people? Can the neighborhood welcome different kinds of people with different backgrounds, professions, or occupations?
One aspect I can certainly look at is amenties such as schools, restaurants or stores. If there are other aspects you might think that may deserve a discussion I have no problem if you share your thoughts.
Any if there are to be several posts I intend to spread them out. Hopefully I can keep the output of posts down when I finally publish future posts.
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