From an e-mail from Leslie Honore from the Greater Chatham Alliance (GCA):
Our May meeting will introduce you to some of our new GCA Patrol volunteers. These are men and women committed to helping folks in Chatham take our streets back! That's right! GCA is kicking off their "We're taking our streets back!" campaign.I want to know more about these patrol volunteers! If you're in Chatham I hope you go to this meeting!
We've had a great response! Hopefully, more volunteers will join our patrol.
As most of us on GCA's email list have seen via our "GCA Crime Alerts," the thugs have been flexing their criminal muscles. The May meeting flyer recaps all of the Crime Alerts sent from late March through April so folks not on the email list can also know what's going on.
In addition, for those of you who were unable to attend Toya Bey's Safety & Security Committee's presentation at the April meeting, we have taken the time to recap that security information as well. It's good stuff!
Lastly, we are asking everybody to find the time in their busy schedules to fill out our Greater Chatham Alliance Survey.
You'll find it on the last page (pg. 4) of our meeting flyer. Please help us determine what's important to you!
You can either bring the filled-out form to: 1. our May GCA meeting; 2. our GCA office located at 8200 S. King Drive (part of the American Family Insurance Office);
or 3. mail back your survey to the office address.
A community group is only as good as the input it gets from its members. We want to aggressively pursue the things that matter to you.
Lastly, we have a new telephone number now:
Use it to call and leave messages for any of our GCA Executive Officers or Committee Chairmen.
This is a great resource!