Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Whole Foods Teases the West Loop

What does the West Loop have to do with the 6th Ward. Well I see an opportunity for us on the south side with this. Especially as Asiaha Butler was on TV months ago talking about getting a Whole Foods Market in Englewood. That in addition to potentially filling up some of the empty storefronts on 79th Street for example. It could be a start.

The Chicago Architecture Blog:
While new choices are always welcome, it would have been nice if Whole Foods had opened inside one of the hundreds of empty storefronts nearby instead of squatting in a lobby.  But hopefully, WF is testing the waters to see if some expansion is warranted in the area.  The nearest full store is at 1101 South Canal Street, about a mile and a half away, and not reachable from the West Loop by public transportation.
No full service store necessary just use up a storefront to determine whether or not some expansion in this part of the city is warranted. Think about it!

And perhaps to fill up that storefront near 95th & King Drive where Quench: Fresh Family Foods closed up shop not long after having ABC 7 come out for their store opening.


1 comment:

  1. If they have passed on Chatham they are not going to look at Englewood. They have said on this blog what their criteria is and that our communities don't meet their criteria. Personally, I ws told by a buyer at Whole Foods that they aren't interested in venturing on to the southside outside of Hyde Park or Beverly/Evergreen Park because they don't want to compete with .99 chicken and 3 for $10 pizza nights,whereas they don't have to this on the northside and in the burbs. Lastly, its almost a done deal in Hyde Park, with the current administration and UC working hand in hand, buying out Treasure Island is a done deal.


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