It seems for now it's going down to Ald. Michelle Harris (Ward 8) and US Rep. Robin Kelly (2nd US Congressional District) a couple of updates for you on Capitol Fax. Just to let you know former IL House Speaker Michael Madigan quit that position earlier this week. It's strange to type that but things must change right?
To start, Ald. Harris picked up the endorsements from US Reps Bobby Rush and Danny Davis. So they didn't endorse their colleague in Robin Kelly I see....
This was just posted today as Ald. Harris shared her endorsements, however, in Lake County prominent Democrats there have endorsed Rep. Kelly.Rush, Davis back Harris for state party chair
— Rich Miller (@capitolfax) February 24, 2021
Harris announces some endorsements for DPI chair while some Lake County House Dems back Kelly
— Rich Miller (@capitolfax) February 25, 2021
When would Robin have the time, energy and actually be in IL to perform IL Democratic Chair duties? ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯