Tuesday, July 6, 2021

WGN: Over 60 arrested after chaos ensues in Chicago's Loop


[VIDEO] I think what was alluded to by these WGN anchors on Monday was the planning and assurance by the Chicago Police there won't be many issues then we hear over 60 people were arrested causing issues in the Loop. We hear about a large crowd (or mob) of unruly young people came downtown setting off fireworks and setting fires in garbage cans.

This seems to be a recurring theme unfortunately. Often we're hearing about large gatherings of young people in downtown Chicago. And sometimes they do cause issues.


  1. From about 2005 onwards, Mayors Daley II and Rahm told the police not to arrest much and told the stores to write off thefts. ಠ︵ಠ

    This has been an ongoing problem that has been exasperated by the policies of Lori, Kim, Toni, Tim and Tom. (@_@)

    1. I’m confused if you will. Who’s Tim? Most of those other names are of course familiar to those who know who our elected officials are.

  2. Chief Judge Tim Evans of the Cook County Circuit Court

    and a former alder too.



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