Friday, December 3, 2021

More remap news: what's going on with #Ward09

 I've been retweeting like crazy any news to be found on the ward remap. The main thing I found yesterday was that the Latino Caucus and a few other alderman went over to the City Clerk's office to file their own map. As you know the Dec. 1st deadline has passed and that should mean that in June - presumably during next year's primary elections that month - the city's voters will choose a map. That is except well negotiations continue and that might mean even though this deadline has passed city aldermen (or is it alderpersons I still hate that) could still vote on and approve a map for the next decade.

One of the people should be recognizable here, that's Ward 9 Alderman Anthony Beale. Another people with the Latino Caucus map is Ward 2 Alderman Brian Hopkins. Doing a quick Google search I see Ald. Beale's comments. The Latino Caucus Ward Remap is called the Chicago Coalition
Chicago Crusader talks about this:
Alderman Beale is Lightfoot’s biggest critic among the 20 Black aldermen. He broke with the Black Caucus this week after clashing with its chairman, Alderman Ervin, when talks involved removing the diverse and voter-rich Pullman neighborhood from Alderman Beale’s ward, which also includes the less affluent West Pullman and Roseland neighborhoods.

Before the Rules Committee canceled its plans to vote on the map, Alderman Beale, in an interview with WGN 720 Radio, said he was trying to enter a room where talks were being held when Alderman Ervin stopped him from entering.

“I was told that I could not go in the room with the Black Caucus by the chairman of the Black Caucus,” Alderman Beale said. “I know where that came from, and I know he’s doing that on behalf of the mayor because there are certain people in this process that are constantly trying to be heard.”

A critic of Mayor Lightfoot, Alderman Beale believes his ward is under attack.

When WGN 720 Radio asked him, “So, they’re trying to draw you out?” Alderman Beale responded, “Absolutely. They’re trying to take the Pullman area out of my community. They’re trying to take all the best housing stock out of my community and all these things were done without talking with me and working with me, and so I went and saw there was a coalition of people. And I went to join the coalition because I have to do what’s right for my community and fight for my community.”

In a brief interview with the Crusader, Beale reaffirmed his move to the Latino Caucus came when learned that he was being allegedly shut out of the remap talks by the Black Caucus.

“I knew I was being dismissed when I was being denied access by Ervin and the Rules Committee,” he said.

Sources confirmed to the Crusader that Beale found out that his ward was being redrawn when he was informed by Alderman Susan Sadowski Garza. Beale then went into the room and saw the Black Caucus ward remap that confirmed what he had been told.

I see the two conflicting maps over at Greg Hinz' column at Crain's and here are Hinz' thoughts:

• The Southeast Side 9th and 10th wards have somewhat different boundaries under the two maps, but 9th Ward Ald. Tony Beale, another sharp Lightfoot critic, would keep the Far South Side Pullman area under either map, as he’s strongly insisted.

I've got to add this tweet as Ald. Beale is quoted

 Unlike in 2011 when the City Council Rules Committee was under the chairmainship of then Ald. Dick Mell and many who lived in Ward 6 was very concerned about how the map will affect them. Many didn't want to be drawn into Ward 9. And there was some drama over how the map was drawn between the Ward 8 and Ward 6 especially on the borderline on Cottage Grove.

This time around the Rules Committee is chaired by Ald. Michelle Harris who had this to say again quoted on a tweet
Let's get to the maps. Here's the Chicago Coalition/Latino Caucus map 

Which map do you like? It looks like the new Ward 6 under the Rules Committee goes further west takes up a bit more of Auburn Gresham even the shopping center on 83rd. And Ward 9 loses a small chunk though it doesn't appear to be any part of Pullman. As I focus Altgeld gardens will be taken out of Ward 9 and drawn into Ward 10.

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